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Thread: Question on wiring fans to a manual switch?

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2009-04-08 01:30:24
So Blair, how do you know that your actual ECU is burned with the fan controller? What if it's just your ground wires, 9-10, just bad?
2009-04-08 01:43:57
Originally Posted by Vadim
So Blair, how do you know that your actual ECU is burned with the fan controller? What if it's just your ground wires, 9-10, just bad?

The relay clicks when those wires are grounded. I was on the phone with him. I wasn't clear. Even though all of his stuff works, the fan doesn't turn on when the relay is activated. When I said his fans worked I mean he tested them by driving them directly.
2009-04-08 01:58:43
I'm not saying the fans are bad hehe, I know that they are good

I wonder if the pins on the ECU got messed up or desoldered? Blair have you tried taking apart the ECU and seeing if anything is out of place?

It's just weird that only the fan controller died on the ECU and nothing else. I would figure something else would be malfunctioning if the Fan part of the ECU burned out you know?
2009-04-08 02:15:02
When the 9 & 10 wires are grounded, the relays click. So the ground wires going to the relays aren't bad. I could care less about the ECU at this point I just want working fans for traffic I checked the underhood fuses and in cabin fuses. Both are good. Swapped them with other known good ones just to be sure. Same thing. Swapped the relays with known good relays. Also good to go there. Hooked the fans DIRECTLY to the battery, fans spun.

Im at a loss. What I am going to do is hook the fans to the battery with a switch in the loop to control the on / off at least until I can get back from my trip. Then I will dive in and find out what is really wrong.

Thanks for the tech support via the phone Taiden I'll probably give you a ring tomorrow to make sure I'm hooking this up right
2009-04-08 02:58:06
Originally Posted by blairellis
Thanks for the tech support via the phone Taiden I'll probably give you a ring tomorrow to make sure I'm hooking this up right

Yeah, it's no problem. Anytime other than 5:00-6:15 PM is great.
2009-04-09 00:17:31
Thanks buddy! I appreciate the help VERY much. I've got the drivers side fan hooked up to a switch. Should be enough to keep temps in check while I am on the trip.
2009-04-09 00:51:35
Yep, when you get back if you want to troubleshoot it more just let me know.
2009-04-09 00:56:40
I think when I get back what I am going to do is just nab one of these:

2009-04-09 01:51:25
Rofl, that seems like a lot of overkill man.
2009-04-09 02:22:31
Did you read what my situation is?
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