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Thread: Question on wiring fans to a manual switch?

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2009-04-07 14:48:37
Question on wiring fans to a manual switch?
I need to wire my fans so that I can turn them on with a manual switch.

My fan controller in my ECU is dead so they dont turn on at all right now. Need to wire in a switch to control them for the time being til my new ECU comes in.

Anyone got a howto on that by chance? Thanks!
2009-04-07 15:12:10
I'm thinking about something similar to being like this:

2009-04-07 15:25:39
You don't need the ECU at all, just go + to one lead, - from the other through a fuse and switch. Or, don't even bother with the switch. I relayed mine to the fuel pump so they are always on with car.

Keeps it cool and I never have to worry about the fan not working!

If you do go with a switch though, take it from me and use a RELAY to activate them and use low current wires to the switch. Otherwise, you have a good chance of ruining a perfectly nice switch (can you guess I melted two of them before using a relay? )
2009-04-07 16:51:05
Can you draw up what you mean by that? I am not really familiar with how relays work. Thanks!
2009-04-07 16:56:52
Check the ECU pin out guide for the fan leads. Run a switch from those leads to ground, that's all you need to do. There is no reason for relays or fuses because they are already used from the factory.

I wired mine up to my AC switch. ymmv
2009-04-07 17:05:13
Ok. Let me ask you this, are you suggesting that I cut and run the wire off that or should I use something like a vampire tap for now as the new ECU should fix this.
2009-04-07 18:17:54
Originally Posted by Danja
You don't need the ECU at all, just go + to one lead, - from the other through a fuse and switch. Or, don't even bother with the switch. I relayed mine to the fuel pump so they are always on with car.

Keeps it cool and I never have to worry about the fan not working!

If you do go with a switch though, take it from me and use a RELAY to activate them and use low current wires to the switch. Otherwise, you have a good chance of ruining a perfectly nice switch (can you guess I melted two of them before using a relay? )

I personally don't like running fans at all times, seems like it will make them die a premature death. Plus in the winter it will make for some very long starting times haha...

I would prefer having them on say at 200*F and then when ever I see that the temperatures are starting to creep up, kick on the fan and then turn it off. Like if your hitting bumper to bumper traffic etc...
2009-04-07 18:20:26
Well, thats the goal. But to accomplish the goal I almost need a wiring schematic. I'm not sure the best way to go about this to be honest. Which is why I'm coming to the forums here for a bit of help Can't do much outside of ask what to do while I am here at work. Thanks for the help!
2009-04-07 18:57:44
On my topaz (yah yah...) I used a standard buss lighted switch- worked for years until the wife's friend totalled it.

positive lead from fans to it, negative direct to battery, fuse in between, and done.
2009-04-07 19:55:48
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