Hey folks,
Well this is about helping me troubleshoot my problems so anyone with some kind advice would be much appreciated.
I just got done replacing a bunch of seals, lightweight flywheel, and water pump on the ve.
Well today I went to start it, primed the motor, fuel pressure just under 40psi, new spark plugs. Cranks over and fired right up.
Well right from the get go I could tell the idle was weird, if I revved the car to 3k and released it would almost stall, I attributed that to not running in a month and allot of work..etc.
Well I let it idle, and warm up and instantly realize it wont rev over 3k, so I check my coolant sensor, and n60 maf plug, everything checks out. I unplug the tps, car stalls, ok, then I start it back up and unplug maf, no change. Maf right? well I tear apart the maf wiring to check things out. Everything is connected. It had been running for over 2 months with the current setup. I reground, try again, it worked! Car seemed to rev fine. I let it idle to warm it up and go on the road. Come back 5min later, doing it again. I wiggle all the wires, and try unplugging the maf, no change in idle rpm.
Well I let it sit, went to dinner, come back, fires right up. No problem. Let it warm up for 10min, idling great. If I unplug the maf it stalls. So I think its fine. I start to take it down the road, afr's looked fine, normal. Well I get half a mile down the road car starts bucking like crazy, anything over %25 and its bucking at all rpms, not like limp mode, like fu*ked up mode. I get it up to 45mph and coast back home, it was idling. Get in the driveway and it sounds like it is stuttering when I give it gas, I try peddling it a little and it stalls out, it sounded almost like it was only on two cylinders before it died. Tried starting it, wouldn't even idle.
Coolant temps were normal, all ignition plugs seemed to be fine, however I am not ruling out wiring faults somewhere. However the current wiring setup was fine until I took the motor out and removed the harness and put it back in. No rad fans on or anything. Stock 02 sensor was in and plugged in. 1month old gas, again holding fuel pressure. No cel lights, however I did not have a laptop hooked up.
Sorry for the long windedness here, I am in the dark because the n60 maf has been fine up until now. I am positive it is properly grounded. The problem is intermittent apparently. And when I was halfway through the drive it really was running like sh*t, more then limp mode, so I am baffled. I am trying to find some information on testing the maf with a multimeter but haven't found anything yet. That is my next step. Oh, and Calum realtime ecu, stock injectors..etc.
Well this is about helping me troubleshoot my problems so anyone with some kind advice would be much appreciated.
I just got done replacing a bunch of seals, lightweight flywheel, and water pump on the ve.
Well today I went to start it, primed the motor, fuel pressure just under 40psi, new spark plugs. Cranks over and fired right up.
Well right from the get go I could tell the idle was weird, if I revved the car to 3k and released it would almost stall, I attributed that to not running in a month and allot of work..etc.
Well I let it idle, and warm up and instantly realize it wont rev over 3k, so I check my coolant sensor, and n60 maf plug, everything checks out. I unplug the tps, car stalls, ok, then I start it back up and unplug maf, no change. Maf right? well I tear apart the maf wiring to check things out. Everything is connected. It had been running for over 2 months with the current setup. I reground, try again, it worked! Car seemed to rev fine. I let it idle to warm it up and go on the road. Come back 5min later, doing it again. I wiggle all the wires, and try unplugging the maf, no change in idle rpm.
Well I let it sit, went to dinner, come back, fires right up. No problem. Let it warm up for 10min, idling great. If I unplug the maf it stalls. So I think its fine. I start to take it down the road, afr's looked fine, normal. Well I get half a mile down the road car starts bucking like crazy, anything over %25 and its bucking at all rpms, not like limp mode, like fu*ked up mode. I get it up to 45mph and coast back home, it was idling. Get in the driveway and it sounds like it is stuttering when I give it gas, I try peddling it a little and it stalls out, it sounded almost like it was only on two cylinders before it died. Tried starting it, wouldn't even idle.
Coolant temps were normal, all ignition plugs seemed to be fine, however I am not ruling out wiring faults somewhere. However the current wiring setup was fine until I took the motor out and removed the harness and put it back in. No rad fans on or anything. Stock 02 sensor was in and plugged in. 1month old gas, again holding fuel pressure. No cel lights, however I did not have a laptop hooked up.
Sorry for the long windedness here, I am in the dark because the n60 maf has been fine up until now. I am positive it is properly grounded. The problem is intermittent apparently. And when I was halfway through the drive it really was running like sh*t, more then limp mode, so I am baffled. I am trying to find some information on testing the maf with a multimeter but haven't found anything yet. That is my next step. Oh, and Calum realtime ecu, stock injectors..etc.