First off i like to say sorry, usually i would search the board to death but i have the chance of some VE pistons and i have to say yes or no very quickly
I'm thnking on using 16VE pistions into a DE (using de head with JWT S3 cams), and wondering if anyony knows what the compression will be I know the DE starts at 10.5.1,
Also is there any machining required for valve clearance
I'm hoping the VE pistons would take teh DE up to maybe 12 at most not really wanting much above that due to fuel octain here etc.
Once again sorry for asking and not searching
I'm thnking on using 16VE pistions into a DE (using de head with JWT S3 cams), and wondering if anyony knows what the compression will be I know the DE starts at 10.5.1,
Also is there any machining required for valve clearance
I'm hoping the VE pistons would take teh DE up to maybe 12 at most not really wanting much above that due to fuel octain here etc.
Once again sorry for asking and not searching