Originally Posted by
I would hold out for the Calum. This seems like a recipe for an electrical disaster.

Originally Posted by
I don't see anywhere in his post that he was refering to the shop you are taking your car to. He was speaking in general.
I still stick to my previous comment. I know the labor on this has to be costly plus all the parts that need to be purchased. I say just buy a standalone at this point. Hell you can run the OEM harness with an AEM and the tuning advantages are far superior to any OEM ECU.

Originally Posted by
Also if they were making unvelievable power by using this I would be all over it but why take a chance on something else breaking when you can make this power by using a true nissan setup? I have a simple philosiphy KISS (keep it simple stupid) and it usually works for me.
I just got my VE last night back from them with the Honda ECU wired up. The car feels amazing compared to before.
Main reasons for me doing this:
I have been waiting for Calum to get me a R/T ecu since October.. all he says is call back, call back plus my friend has had the worst time getting the right eprom chips from him for his RWD SR setup in his 240Z.
The software that Calum uses is so friggin old and outdated
The tuning capabilities are 10x better than any other setup for the money
AEM would cost how much? Maybe $1200.00 plug install? Tuning would be outrageous at least around these parts.
Overall I am very happy with this setup so far.
DE MAF, DE ECU, base timing was set at about 24*, had to flip a switch I wired up myself to activate VVL
P28 ECU, P28 Dist? - Peak HP is the same, power comes on stronger and harder than before. I have to look at the Dyno overlay again but I make probably another 10WHP from 4500 to 6500RPM.