first the one that goes into the tranny from the block side, right under the starter.. it holds that bracket to the engine/tranny..
my buddy took it off and i can not find it.. i have alot of spare bolts but not 1 will fit..
same with the 2 that go into the tranny on the very very bottom of the engine
i have a pic of the first one mentioned..

i dont have pics of the other 2 but they go in from the engine side into the tranny, they're 14mm
if anyone could hook me up with these bolts for free/cheap i'd appriciate it.. or atleast maybe know the size/thread type..
my buddy took it off and i can not find it.. i have alot of spare bolts but not 1 will fit..
same with the 2 that go into the tranny on the very very bottom of the engine
i have a pic of the first one mentioned..

i dont have pics of the other 2 but they go in from the engine side into the tranny, they're 14mm
if anyone could hook me up with these bolts for free/cheap i'd appriciate it.. or atleast maybe know the size/thread type..