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I just don't see the point of this. Sure some of your friends might think it's neat, but our laws, roads, etc just aren't set up for it. No more drive thru's, at food places, banks, whatever. Passing would be down right dangerous as hell. I just don't see the appeal, a hell of a lot of work and money for an annoyance.
I own a rhd jdm gti-r in Vancouver Canada. There are well over 500 supra's, fc's, fd's, pulsar gti-r's, skyline gts-t's, r32 gtr's and plenty of other vehicles that are rhd here. Passing is a non issue and it is no more dangerous.. the dangerous part of the vehicle is the guy driving it. I don't see how passing another vehicle is any more dangerous, do you not still check your mirrors and head check? If you're talking about passing in the oncoming traffic lane, well I still don't think that should be done anyways. There are techniques to driving on the right side, including looking through the windshield of the vehicle that is front of you, or pulling more to the right and looking past, or backing off and leaning over to the left to look past. I have plenty enough power to make up the lost space from backing off.
Anyways, I still go through drive thru's, a little bit of an annoyance kuz i have to reach over to pay and get my food, but I avoided drive thru's before anyways.
I've also lived in Japan for a number of years where I drove both LHD and RHD cars on the road. They can coexist, as it has in many parts of the world including asia and europe. North America is not the end and be all of driving.
I do agree converting a vehicle to RHD is kind of stupid, but owning and operating a RHD is a non issue.