Dude, do you still have the Japanese one? I have a JDM SR20 and need one in a hurry. Texas heat is a bitch. I'll be happy to take it off your hands. PM me please. See my thread here.
^Yes. I still have it. Double check the bolt pattern on the one you have. Is it the same? I don't want you to get stuck with a A/C Compressor you can't use like I did. I have a JDM SR20 motor in my car, and it would not bolt up to the USDM A/C bracket I have. The USDM A/C bracket bolted up to the block, but that was not the case for the A/C compressor bolting up to the bracket. Bolt pattern on the A/C compressor is different. I still don't know what car it came off of. I will sale it to you though, if you think it will work.