correct, just make sure the gear goes on flat against the cam surface where that lip is around the bolt hole. If not then try and smoothen it out. Also the lobe is nothing to worry about, Will not affect performance at all. Just smoothen down any rough spots that stick up above the surface of the cam lobe to keep the lobe from digging into the rocker.
It doesnt appear to be sticking up but run your finger over it and if there is any doubt file it down to where its undoubtably not sticking up. Should be just fine.
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1992 Nissan Sentra SE-R - Fully Built SR20VE, BWS400SX Billet 67mm and much more
JMS Racing tuned to 716whp, 423wtq at 29psi
10.5 @ 149.2mph to date I believe the fastest trap speed SE-R, Much more to come with some changes!
I would.. Give them about 1 run between oil changes and check them and see how they are doing. I don't think you should run into any issues with them at all.
Just keep an eye on them for piece of mind and enjoy them. I would be curious as to how that happened tho and why someone would have sold them that way.
3 says its ok, 1 it isnt
Andreas have a lot of experiences, so im afraid of cam 1 too. Is this damage part in contact with something when engine running? I need to open my valve cover to see.
pic 1 happened because someone did not tighten the cam sproket bolt properly. The sproket vibrated back and forth which caused the alignment part on the cam for the sproket to be eaten out like that.
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Good Thoughts Bring Good Vibes Which Bring Good Reasoning
If the cam gear isn't perfectly centered on the cam, it would wobble causing fluctuations in chain tension, and possibly timing on that cam. I would use caution when installing to make sure the gear is flush on the cam. Also check to make sure it won't wiggle, once it is properly torqued. Good luck with it.