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Thread: Just bought some parts from a forum member.

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2009-01-16 08:22:28
JWT Flywheel

Not even close. Please weigh it. It looks to me like you got a stock flywheel. Take the issue up with the seller if it is.
2009-01-16 08:38:09
Well I just weighed it and it came up at 10.6. Really weird because it feels much heavier, plus no markings anywhere. I just jumped to conclusions... thanks for everyones input.
2009-01-16 10:20:19
OK i have something to add to this thread.

Recently i graabed the exact same flywheel off an Autech Pulsar.

I beleive its Toda, Nismo or Jun. My guess is that its jun. Mine weighs just on 4.5kilo's.

heres a pic:

2009-01-16 10:21:52
Its a chrome moly steel wheel as well. The ring gear is one piece apart of the flywheel. At first instances it looks like a factory flywheel but its not.

Can you please check for hand inscribings on the back as mine has some unknow part number - but no name or branding.
2009-01-16 10:47:02
Originally Posted by classicaddict
that is a bonafied OEM flywheel. nothing lite weight about that at all.

Sorry, but you're wrong.
2009-01-16 11:21:17
Originally Posted by Cozzm0_AU
Sorry, but you're wrong.

Did you HAVE to go out of your way to tell him that? I'm sure you read the whole thread in which the OP stated that he weighed it. No need for you to tell someone they're wrong when the answer was obvious.
2009-01-16 15:05:08
The flywheel looks to me like an "F1 Racing". I have the exact same flywheel on my car and I am 99.9999% sure it is "F1 Racing".
2009-01-16 17:19:34
Originally Posted by veNom14
The flywheel looks to me like an "F1 Racing". I have the exact same flywheel on my car and I am 99.9999% sure it is "F1 Racing".

I talked to the seller and he said its a older JWT flywheel that he bought in 1999. So its just an earlier version.
2009-01-16 21:34:42
Originally Posted by Cozzm0_AU
Sorry, but you're wrong.

sorry, but your a tool.
2009-01-16 22:25:26
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