Regarding exhaust size and noise levels:
Source: e30tech.com Forums - View Single Post - Exhaust size discussion
This is not entirely true. Most people when going to a larger exhaust take the easy/cheap/performance minded way out and eliminate a lot of what makes the exhaust quiet, whether it be the catalytic converter, well designed stock resonators, or great noise reducing mufflers. It wasn't going from 2" to 3" that made their car louder, it was the deletion of one or more of the stock muffling components or replacing them with inferior muffling substitutes usually in the name of performance or cost.
It is possible to design a larger exhaust that is just as quiet or in some cases more quiet than factory. It just takes some effort. Granted, a larger exhaust will produce relatively lower tones than a smaller exhaust at the same volume (dB output). The human ear/brain perceives high and low tones of the same dB differently which makes the idea of "louder" in this case even muddier. =/
^Dude, that is a low blow