Originally Posted by
AndreasWhen you learn the fundimental of changing a cam shaft then you can cut corners and do it in many ways to save time.
The way that JWT teaches you to change a SR20DE cam shaft is not the right way to do it. When people mess up they become lost with this method.
what do you mean lost? like the directions sort of stop? CUZ THEY DO!! the JWT directions are garbage i think....i manily used them for a pics reference while installing them and i numbered the bearing caps to take them off in order....i mean ive read so much **** about this......not saying im an expert or anything, but i know that you, andreas, have WAYYYYY more experaince with this stuff...
ive read like 3 or 4 cam install how tos before i attempted this....and sutdied it since the day i ordered my cams.....
when tightneing down the bearing caps were do i start? in the middle? and how much tourque is used to tighten the bearing caps,cam gear bolts, and VC bolt?