For anyone who wants to do this for 92, 93 NX.
You will need the controller with relay. It is mounted above the brake below the steering wheel. You will want to pull the covers to get it.
You will also want the extra switches on the clutch (if you have a manual) and brake.
You will need the clock spring from behind the steering wheel. And the plastic from behind the steering wheel so that wheel you try to mount the steering wheel controls(switches) it fits.
Next, make sure you grab the on switch for the CC.
Now pop the hood. You are going to disconnect the vacuum hose going to the drum with the throttle cable. Pull that out.
Now it is time to get the vacuum pump. I think you will need to unbolt it then disconnect the wire.
Once you have all these things you can install them into your car. All the pig tails will be there, just need to cut the tape off.
If your car did not have CC, the light on the cluster will not work.
I don't know if this will help anyone. But I hope so. I forgot the switches for the brake and clutch when trying to do this. Now, I have it working.