Originally Posted by jen36 i cant be a chat whore to a chat that nobody ever gets on.........lol
i wish the chat got put at the top of the forum
Lol true... and yes it would be nice to have it up top the forum, but I do love the fact that it's a separate window... maybe we can just have a status of people that are in the chat on the front page?
Originally Posted by MR-4Door-SR20DE ^Do you have a desk job or something? You are on here a lot........(nothing wrong with that though)
Originally Posted by GT2871RBLUBIRD he must becuase he is on here ALOT wink wink
Hahah yeah... I'm a computer tech at a decently sized company. Right now it's the holiday season so more then half of the employees are on vacation. So having a job which depends on the employees to break their computers, etc., is hard when they are not even here to break it
So I get a chance to browse the forum... a lot.....
Originally Posted by CovertRussian Hahah yeah... I'm a computer tech at a decently sized company. Right now it's the holiday season so more then half of the employees are on vacation. So having a job which depends on the employees to break their computers, etc., is hard when they are not even here to break it
So I get a chance to browse the forum... a lot.....
im with you on that, i browse ALOT of forums, so much that i cant even keep track of the passwords and names lol, i try to keep everything simular lol.
sucks that some forums i dont even remember what the names nd passwords are lol
Originally Posted by GT2871RBLUBIRD im with you on that, i browse ALOT of forums, so much that i cant even keep track of the passwords and names lol, i try to keep everything simular lol.
sucks that some forums i dont even remember what the names nd passwords are lol