ok, heres the rundown. my sr20 ever since i bought it had a weird tick/knock. when i start the car it kinda knocks for a split second, then goes away. i developed slight rod knock in my #2 cylinder. i replaced all bearings with oem graded bearings. the noise only starts at like 2500rpm to 3krpm and then goes away after that. i opened the vc and everything looks good. all the shims are in place. when i did the bearings i noticed in the oil pickup, all types of junk. i found the rubber grommit and metal washer from the vc in there, along with some other pieces of misc rubber chunks(previous owner). i wasnt convinced that it was the bearings. the noise sounds like its coming from the head area(more pronounced by the #2 and #3 intake side. i stopped by chriscar house and he listened to it and he feels the noise is too fast and rattly to be a bearing. he said it sounds like its in the head, too. he gave me a spare timing chain tensioner and i changed that and still the same noise. what else could it be
??can a lifter do this?it only makes the sound between 2500-3000rpm and then sounds normal again. ive been searching non stop for days and listening to sound clips of bad lifters. a bad lifter seems to make noise even at idle, so is this possible that i could have a bad lifter even though its sounds normal at idle? any other suggestions of what to check would be GREATLY appreciated. thanks in advance