I just fueled up after a 270 mile trip. Drive into my garage, turn off the car and put it back to ACC, and starting hearing this sound... Now I've heard it in the past, but it just doesn't sound healthy at all...
Originally Posted by BenFenner Leprechauns bowling in your fuel tank!
pop open your gas tank access panel and see whats up with it. its not that hard. sounds like you'll be needing a new fuel pump. also is it bubbling sound or a banging sound? listened to it 4 times and still not sure.
Originally Posted by nismomatt pop open your gas tank access panel and see whats up with it. its not that hard. sounds like you'll be needing a new fuel pump. also is it bubbling sound or a banging sound? listened to it 4 times and still not sure.
Originally Posted by Vadim seems to do it only on a full tank haha...
Something might be loose then and/orfloating to the top of the tank. When the fuel pump is turned on it might be loose too, causing stuff to move around and bang against the tank... Seems like a long shot. =/