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Thread: 1981 Datsun B210 SL, 20k original miles...

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2015-10-13 19:01:02
1981 Datsun B210 SL, 20k original miles...
Because super-clean and a ton of great pics... Datsun Other SL | eBay
2015-10-13 20:28:23
So sick lol
2015-10-13 20:37:03
Niccce. Im partial to the 81s. First year of the square headlights. My mom bought one new in 81- a brown 5-speed wagon with the tan interior similar to this one. When I was 7 she traded it in for a 93 Impreza when those came out. I liked the Datsun and started crying on the way home from the dealership in the Impreza. My mom asked me why I was crying and I said I liked the Datsun. My mom said well could the Datsun do this? and then floored it. My dad said easy Ann you'll get a ticket. Haha good memories
2015-10-13 21:13:30
Very cool to see a car that old and hardly driven. Probably will sell for less than it cost to store it for 35 years.
2015-10-13 21:23:15
https://youtu.be/PZlqOhD7A4o video of this car

https://youtu.be/_gQT6Prjy9I 1981 commercial
2015-10-13 21:50:23
The video of that car is clean as hell
2015-10-13 22:41:36
Note that discolored window crank syndrome was a pre-B13 problem.
Last edited by SE-RMonkey on 2015-10-13 at 23-14-59.
2015-10-14 20:15:49
That thing is SWEET!
2015-10-14 20:21:49
ME WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!

This car brings a lot of good memories, just for that I will love to have it. My dad had a '80 Datsun B210 SL station wagon. The interior of this hatchback is the same, only different in color, my dad's was black. But had the same 3 spoke steering wheel, the seats, the cluster with tachometer, etc.
Last edited by Mr SE-R on 2015-10-14 at 20-25-51.
2015-10-15 11:34:29
Very cool vintage Datsun!! Love the link for the old commercial as well. Nice, clean car.
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