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Thread: Are there any RWD converted B-chassis?

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2014-06-10 21:55:08
Are there any RWD converted B-chassis?
It's been a good long time since I've posted anything new on here, but I figured I'd shoot off some ideas with some other B-chassis owners. In case you don't remember me, I rebuilt my SE-L about 7 years back with a FWD VQ35DE 6-Speed Setup. My local friends call her Sally, and she holds her own...nearly as fast as my E60 M5 from a 40MPH Roll.

Sally exists solely as a car to put a smile on my face and turn heads, it's a complete rush to drive and sounds Amazing, but it does have some shortcomings, lately, the Standalone ECU can no longer start the car, so I need a 6MPH roll to start it, FWD makes Traction a complete myth, and over the past weekend, she finally spun a bearing due to some excessive oil burning. Rebuilding or buying a new VQ would be cake, but for all the trouble, the FWD is just not worth it, but I still want something one-of-a-kind.

I've been highly considering finding a wrecked 350Z with an HR motor. The dash is already gutted underneath, and the chassis wiring is 100% by hand, there'd be nothing in my way for cutting and welding into the floor and going full RWD. I've got all the time in the world. The Goal is to a) Fuck with people's heads when they see rear fender flares on a Sentra, b) Fuck with people's heads when they see a Sentra drifting.

I've searched around, but there doesn't seem to be any mention. Has ANYONE done a RWD conversion to a B-chassis?

Pics of the cars:

Last edited by Ninety-9 SE-L on 2014-06-10 at 21-58-28.
2014-06-10 22:42:21
Ya, just cut that bish open and start welding support brackets and go to town.
2014-06-10 23:03:30
Justin,I remeber your whole build on the se-l...in fact we met when it was still VE.
I also remember some schmo claiming your car was his on some other website and he got called out on it

So cool that you have not sold the car even though you have the BMW now.How about RWD TITAN v8 sentra!!

I know of someone doing a RWD B13. I was sworn to secrecy,and wont leak more info on this,but it is a member here.
However I have seen the progress in person(over a year ago) ...at that time the whole chassis was on a jig of sorts with the entire floor cut out from firewall to back seat.
I have not seen or heard an update since then,so who knows if its still in the works.
Last edited by eggman on 2014-06-10 at 23-06-05.
2014-06-10 23:12:48
so, personally to me. since that one is already set up, id say keep it FWD and find another motor. get another B chassis, like a 13 and RWD that, would be super sick, and easier to pass emissions.

plus, I thought you were selling it, the last time i was updated you had thought about it or something, and i dropped out of the game. either way, your my hero, car is soo sick, whichever route you go.
2014-06-10 23:47:01
Theres a B13 out there somewhere.
2014-06-10 23:49:05
I know there are a few b13s overseas that are rwd sr20det in trinidad or something like that. There are some youtube vids. Let me see if I can find them.

I say you keep this one as is and start fresh. This one is to cool and unique to cut back up again.
2014-06-10 23:50:16
2014-06-11 11:39:54
I've seen a rwd b13 at Limerock. It also had a crate motor and was basically a tube chassis though. If you have the money and patience, i guess, go for it. Or you could rebuild the VQ and work on traction issues. Otherwise, go 240sx. It'll have better balance and probably be lighter, S13 will anyways.
2014-06-11 12:40:04
There is a thread on here from a guy in PR. http://www.sr20-forum.com/200sx-se-r/60074-rwd-sr20det-b14-200sx.html
2014-06-11 13:37:09
Go V8 if going RWD. I've thought about it for years, but don't have the $$$ for it. You want to be different, so do it big.
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