You're off by 30whp.

I dyno'ed at 210WHP. What does it run? Uh look at my sig. 13.4 @ 106MPH on street tires with just the spare and jack removed. Before internal work was done and underdrive pulleys.
BTW the WRX STi in question that I raced was 100% STOCK. I mentioned that like, 4 times. I was dead even with him. Nobody pulled bumper to bumper. We pulled into a parking lot and chatted after, looked at each other's engines, he said he just got it and was planning on doing all kinds of mods. And remember over the summer I had removed about 450lbs from my VE (it's all back in now for the winter) but with just a driver's seat dash and stereo, holy shit, did it make difference.
btw you should look at people's sigs before insulting them, they may contain info pertinent to your post