Motor Talk with Vince :)
NOTICE: This is a GA16 thread you are about to read. I don't think there's a GA16 all motor section but please forgive me if this is the wrong place to post this and if it is, move it or request for it to be moved.
Anyways so let's talk about GA's. First I wanna start off with some questions; 1 what's the fastest all motor GA (as in modded GA's 1/4 mile and or 1/8 mile). 2 what is the highest rev limit for a GA. 3 how can you tell when a GA has NVCS and when it doesn't without dynoing. 4 what's the highest amount of HP an all motor GA has made. I have reasons behind these question but I have my fire suite, fire helmet and more ready to kick off this thread Enjoy!
Anyways so let's talk about GA's. First I wanna start off with some questions; 1 what's the fastest all motor GA (as in modded GA's 1/4 mile and or 1/8 mile). 2 what is the highest rev limit for a GA. 3 how can you tell when a GA has NVCS and when it doesn't without dynoing. 4 what's the highest amount of HP an all motor GA has made. I have reasons behind these question but I have my fire suite, fire helmet and more ready to kick off this thread Enjoy!