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Thread: '83 Tercel SE-R

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2012-08-25 02:49:59
'83 Tercel SE-R
Awwww yea son, thats how I roll. Well actually my dads daily driver haha.

2012-08-25 02:52:02
Lol clean!lmfao I use 2 drive 1 like that but red
2012-08-25 03:20:36
Showing my age i had one of those slammed with 14 inch directionals, forumula of france steering wheel, wink mirror, vitaloni tornado mirrors and a glass pack way back when and a vdub duck bill spoiler i was slow as hell but rollin
2012-08-25 03:28:05
B14 SE-R rims can make anything look good.
2012-08-25 04:29:51
Coolio. On a side note, you could probably use that antenna in the pole vault at the next Olympics!
Last edited by B15NEOVVL on 2012-08-25 at 04-30-05.
2012-08-25 04:36:54
Damn that car is clean. Take care of it and it will out drive anything.
2012-09-10 19:47:51
Originally Posted by B15NEOVVL
Coolio. On a side note, you could probably use that antenna in the pole vault at the next Olympics!

That about sums it all up right there! I love how clean the car is though, props to your pops!

2012-09-10 20:38:24
Nice! That thing is clean! Were the tercels FWD or RWD at the time?
2012-09-10 20:51:39
more pics please!!!
2012-09-10 21:28:15
Man!! I had an 84 in burnt orange back in 1990. I dove it about a year. Then got my 91 SE-R. It was a big step up. We called it the turd.
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