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Thread: vokkswagen bug gurus please help!!

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2012-02-12 01:42:58
vokkswagen bug gurus please help!!
hello all!

If you are reading this that means you may know a thing or two about vw bugs. the circa 60-70's one. my gf has one that isn't running and for V-day i was going to fix it and get it running unbenounced to her. so today while working on it after being told by her brother it was ignition coil i got a new coil installed it and... nothing...... so i decided to test the leads to the coil and make sure they were getting power and ground.. and what do u know.. it gets power.. but no ground....

I traced the wire inside to the harness which dissapears under carpet that i can't pull up that then leads to the hood/trunk. In there it is a freaking rats nest.. i checked all fusible links and they're all good. i know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about vw bugs so i come here for help and advice!!

p.s. i cannot test for spark during crank as i am only one person and don't know a single person method.. I was also told that ground on a bug may or may not be controlled by soething.. that something though i do not know.. please help a fellow se-r guy make his gf happy on valentines day!!!! i can send pics of whatever to email or phone do not hesitate to contact me with any ideas
2012-02-12 12:48:03
Originally Posted by kaotic
p.s. i cannot test for spark during crank as i am only one person and don't know a single person method.
I've had to resort to recording video of the spark while I crank.
2012-02-16 00:05:30
that is a pretty smart idea. My plan failed before the dreaded valentines day so now i can work on it with buddies and beer and hopefully figure it out thanks benfenner for the idea though.
2012-02-19 06:23:39
Those cars are pretty much about as basic as they come. Unfortunately it isn't something that anyone can diagnose over the computer and will take basic automotive knowledge along with some electrical knowledge and the ability to troubleshoot cars. Sorry I can't be of more help but if someone says that they can know what the issue is over the internet, I find that hard to believe.
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