i promise there are big things in store for this little coupe. and dont be fooled, both the toyota and subaru are nearly ALL subaru. they paired up because toyota is more synonymous with performance RWD to the common american and subaru is more of an "acquired taste" in the eyes of many americans much like saab. BUTTTTTTTTTTTT subaru is at THE TOP of their game. read any mag or auto blog and you will see subaru is one of the only companies that actually seemed to benefit from the rough financial times.
It was a dark time for most dealers. Salesmen began eying the fairest compacts on their lot for sacrifice in an attempt to appease the sales gods that had abandoned them, and showrooms began devolving into tribal law in earnest. Meanwhile, we're guessing many Subaru dealers watched through gold-rimmed monocles from across the street with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.
one of my fav quotes from autoblog.com look up subarus monthly national sales numbers and you will be speechless. (all of the above is true for all but the tribeca.......red headed step child of the scoob line up....fuck that car lol)