Here is a quick guide of the process I use to clean my maf it can remedy hesitations, power loss and help to restore MPG.
Carb Cleaner
Small soft bristled paint brush
First you will need to remove the sensor from the MAF housing, while being careful not to knock it or drop it.... (You dont have to remove the whole thing from the car I just using these for examples)
They may require a bit of wiggling to remove.

Once it is removed you can see the two wire elements that deal with measuring the air, when these
get dirty they can provide false readings which can cause issues.

The carb cleaner sprays out with quite a bit of force so be prepared, holding the can about 15-20cm away spray the two wire elements with a couple of short bursts from both sides.

Now that they are wet, spray some more into a small container then dip the brush in.

Now the common misconception is that the elements are VERY delicate whilst this is true in the way they measure the airflow they are actually quite strong. (though dont go mad obviously).
using the wet brush wipe over both sides of the elements this will be helping to remove anything that is stuck to them.

spray them a few more times to remove any loosened dirt, when you are happy they are clean,

Once they are dry, carefully re-assemble them into their housing and reap the benefits
Carb Cleaner
Small soft bristled paint brush
First you will need to remove the sensor from the MAF housing, while being careful not to knock it or drop it.... (You dont have to remove the whole thing from the car I just using these for examples)
They may require a bit of wiggling to remove.

Once it is removed you can see the two wire elements that deal with measuring the air, when these
get dirty they can provide false readings which can cause issues.

The carb cleaner sprays out with quite a bit of force so be prepared, holding the can about 15-20cm away spray the two wire elements with a couple of short bursts from both sides.

Now that they are wet, spray some more into a small container then dip the brush in.

Now the common misconception is that the elements are VERY delicate whilst this is true in the way they measure the airflow they are actually quite strong. (though dont go mad obviously).
using the wet brush wipe over both sides of the elements this will be helping to remove anything that is stuck to them.

spray them a few more times to remove any loosened dirt, when you are happy they are clean,

Once they are dry, carefully re-assemble them into their housing and reap the benefits