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Thread: How to change P/S high pressure hose. (pics)

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2011-01-24 11:42:50
How to change P/S high pressure hose. (pics)
What's needed
  • 14mm socket
  • Big enough vice grip (should open about 1 inch)
  • 21mm socket
  • 10mm socket and wrench (for the intake manifold bolts)
  • New high pressure hose
  • Jack and jack stand

Start off by getting a vice grip and a 14mm wrench.. Loosen up the bolt while holding on to the vicegrip or else it'll bend the bracket..

Next, Remove these 2 bolts to take off the bracket.

Next there is a bracket that bolts onto the intake manifold, there is 3 bolts that need to be removed. (2 on the right side of pic plus the one there)

Now comes the hard part. You need to jack up the car and remove this bolt

Have a drain pan down there because this thing is going to leak when you remove it.. Not so much the top one..

To remove that bolt your going to need to remove the front passenger side tire and also the shield and you'll have access to the bolt. It is a 21mm (I believe.. Not 100% as the numbers were worn off on the socket) Installation of the new one just install it at the bottom, then the top THEN the intake manifold. Remember to install the new washers as well..
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