Well all this makes this sound easy. This summer it was for me on one car, the other was posessed.
Ok, I did this on my 97 GXE with the 1.6, passenger side only.
I took the axle out because i couldnt get the CV off with a slide hammer.
Put in my bench vise, popped off and back no problem. piece of cake.
Then 3 months later, do the 97 SE-R. pasenger side torn, but replaced drivers as well
what a difference !!!
Passenger side, the axle was rusted and frozen in the hub, took a big puller, lots of swearing, a propane torch with the hot fuel and a hammer to get it out.
Put the axle in the vice, CV was really hard to get out.
When it was out I can see damage to the splines !!!
We brought this car new, and this has never been touched.
I needle file the worst of the damage to the splines, put on the clip and have trouble getting it back in.
Put on another clip, bend it a bit smaller and then have to drift it back in same as getting it off.
So sometimes it doesn't go quite as easy as it sounds.
I undo the strut bolts and not the tie rod ends, not the sway bar.
then i realize the wheel bearings on the passenger side are shot. 10.5 yrs, 110k miles.
(GXE was 10.5 yrs 105K miles, wheel bearings good)
yes they were brought 3-4 months apart.
Exactly the same age when the passenger side let go.
Also another comment, the torque spec for the 32 mm nut is around 150 ft pound minimum, this broke a torque wrench a while back on another car, so i now use a cheapo bar and scale type, do up to 150 or so.