AC bypass - A/C delete belt: Dayco 506330 6PK0840
The AC compressor clutch on my P10 recently shit the bed. I remembered reading about a shorter belt to bypass the AC compressor so I headed over to for the info. I found many references to different size belts, but most were recommending a non-AC Sentra SE-R 4 rib belt, or a 6 rib (what the G calls for) belt of the same length.
I ordered a 32.5" 6 rib belt from the local Autozone and ran home to install it. It was then I discovered why some people were saying this belt was too short. I had my alt adjusted as low as it would go and I still needed what looked to be at least 1/2". One poster on stated he had to unbolt the alt bracket to get it on, not in my case. Maybe I could have jammed the belt onto the crank pulley and bumped the starter to get it on, but that didn't even look like an option, way too tight and there wouldn't have been any room for adjustment.
This morning I go back to and luckily found info on this belt, a Dayco 506330 also known as 6PK0840. It installed very easily and left me with plenty of adjustment.
From all that I read it sounds like there may be variations in alternator brackets between non-AC SE-R's and G20's, I don't know. All I know is that this one fit perfectly on my '93.5 P10.
I ordered a 32.5" 6 rib belt from the local Autozone and ran home to install it. It was then I discovered why some people were saying this belt was too short. I had my alt adjusted as low as it would go and I still needed what looked to be at least 1/2". One poster on stated he had to unbolt the alt bracket to get it on, not in my case. Maybe I could have jammed the belt onto the crank pulley and bumped the starter to get it on, but that didn't even look like an option, way too tight and there wouldn't have been any room for adjustment.
This morning I go back to and luckily found info on this belt, a Dayco 506330 also known as 6PK0840. It installed very easily and left me with plenty of adjustment.
From all that I read it sounds like there may be variations in alternator brackets between non-AC SE-R's and G20's, I don't know. All I know is that this one fit perfectly on my '93.5 P10.