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Thread: 5th gear pop out..

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2011-11-30 14:34:51
5th gear pop out..
What do I need? Never had to deal with this before... Thanks
2011-11-30 16:20:55
Greg, I know this is your section, but I think I should post this at least.


97sentraser, Greg will hook you right up I'm sure.
2011-11-30 18:06:07
Thanks Ben..
2011-11-30 18:19:55
Yeah, keep in mind my prices have always been less per item than Courtesy, and the kit I sell is the most comprehensive. We have evolved the kit over the years to include all the things we have found that go wrong.
2011-11-30 18:40:16
is it 375 for the kit?
2011-11-30 18:40:56
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