For those that want to know how to get rid of CODE:35 EGR TEMP SENSOR.
Goto Radio shack and buy 68-ohm Resistor. $1.05 after tax.
Bend it to fit into the EGR TEMP SENSOR Harness (female)
Disconnect your car batt Positive cable to reset CEL.
Or use a program that can do this, ECUTALK, Data Scan Ect..
I did this, worked the FIRST TIME no problems.
Goto Radio shack and buy 68-ohm Resistor. $1.05 after tax.
Bend it to fit into the EGR TEMP SENSOR Harness (female)
Disconnect your car batt Positive cable to reset CEL.
Or use a program that can do this, ECUTALK, Data Scan Ect..
I did this, worked the FIRST TIME no problems.