It seems like every year the pickup never works on my car. Last year I revved to 8k (according to the guage) which is about 7700rpm and I only did 260whp on 10psi. I wonder if I have been getting the wrong #s?
It seems like sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. But I would like to get some accurate numbers at least. The first pull I did showed only 26X whp. On 20psi! WHAT A JOKE! It showed that I only revved to 5600rpm! we took the pickup off alltogether and adjusted rpm to the drum and it was still way off. The numbers I got are so inconsistent. My best dyno on 15psi was 371whp and 18psi was 407 just a couple of weeks ago.
Andy, post your charts man. yours look a lot like mine.
Here is 15psi.
Here is 20psi.
And I hit my rev limiter on every run.