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Thread: Recirculation

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2008-09-12 03:20:55
OK, so nothing special is needed to do this? No ECU reflash? No S-AFC tuning?

I'm spoiled with the world of standalone EMS...
2008-09-12 04:44:35

^^^THIS.... IS..... BLOW THROUGH(not sparta)^^^

For all you lames that still let boost leaks ruin your driving experience...get a real setup

I mean come on. Why do people even run draw through. The benifits of blow through out weigh draw through all day.

Pros of Blow through:
-Pop in intercooler coupler off and you can still drive home
-Want to vent your BOV to atmosphere? No prob
-supposed better throttle response

Seriously...if youve ever popped an intercooler hose off and couldnt drive the car home and didnt have any tools in the car you would understand why blow through is way better. Running my high boost at 22psi, sometimes a coupler will pop off. All that happens is the car jerks for a split second and then...nothing. I drive it home and fix the leak. Being blow through has paid for its self on my car! Ever tried to work on your car with the heat of a turbo burning the **** out of you because you can drive the car home without fixing the leak? Not me cause i dont know about you but im driving my car home N/A and then letting it cool down on time out before I even touch it!

Blow through is the best guys...BTW dont mind my dirty engine bay. That was the day I swapped the DET in. It has since been cleaned up nicely.
2008-09-12 09:40:43
I am running blow thru. I like it, but I think response and driveability would be improved in my setup if I did two things: Move the maf farther from the tb, use 3" piping on the cold side so all piping stays same diameter.
2008-09-12 11:50:48
Funny, I am going to MAKE my bov Recirculate today. TIRED of the back fire, it's almost constant and having a Greddy Type s, it's LOUD... VERY LOUD. Another thing, your car tends to cut off when you don't have it recirculated when you have the typical maf setup.
2008-09-12 13:50:10
Originally Posted by SE
Funny, I am going to MAKE my bov Recirculate today. TIRED of the back fire, it's almost constant and having a Greddy Type s, it's LOUD... VERY LOUD. Another thing, your car tends to cut off when you don't have it recirculated when you have the typical maf setup.

That's a tuning issue more than anything.
2008-09-12 21:40:29
So I tried it and failed terribly...

The MAF tubing adapter I have has no "rolled lip" so it keeps popping lose after boost...
Also, even though the BOV is before the MAF, if I close it up (because it leaks a little at idle), the RPM go down.

Now that makes NO SENSE at all because the throttle plate position doesn't change and the MAF is after the BOV and before the TB...
Any ideas?
2008-09-12 21:53:56
The downside to making a blow through set up are in might not end up working right. I feel the need to say this as it seems it has happened to a few people including myself.

I ran into quite a few different issues, the main one just being the pipe size I had was 2in that transitioned into the 3in zmaf. It was in wasn't around any bends it was just the transition from the 2in to 3in wasn't long enough. The maf had trouble measuring the air flow as a result.

I also ran into the issue with the bov (in my case a dsm recirc valve) being too close to the maf . The car would run but it did all kinds of crazy stuff. It was all from the air the bov messing with the air coming out of the maf.

The ways around these issues is copy someone's setup that is known good and working. Use the longest transitions you can fit for best results. Another trick is to try and rotated the maf in place. If it is a 12oclock turn it to 3oclock and see if it is any better.
2008-09-12 23:31:09
I'm going to try rotating it. I got it to stop blowing the MAF adapter pipe with a better clamp. Now when boost comes on completely (around 4k) it goes so rich I loose power and backfire out the exhaust...

At least the car is drivable again...
2008-09-12 23:47:53
Johnny... I'm not being a dick here... just explaining my view.

I run draw through, because its simple and it works, and I don't care for the open atmosphere blow off. I found it to be fulking annoying. I understand the not blowing piping off bit, but if you use good coupler, good t-bolt clamps, and roll bead your pipping, piping won't ever come off. IMO, if you are going blow thru JUST to recirculate, you're on crackola.

I will recirc every turbo car I own... being quiet and sneaking up on some fool is a lot more fun than EVERY single person wanting to race you when you are going to the grocery store. In my experience, with unneeded attention comes curiosity, with curiosity comes questions. Then everyone knows your setup... I dont know. Now I'm just blabbing to play devil's advocate...

If anyone wants more information - or more of whats being reiterated here This subject's been covered a bunch on the other forum.
2008-09-13 05:18:24
Tokes everyone has there own way of doing stuff. So in no way are you being a Dick at all.

IMHO though blow through is the way to go for me. No matter what. I know people who still recirc the BOV even when they are blow through. Also, never say never! Every single one of my intercooler pipes is beeded, i use couplers thick enough to make it a pain in the ass to even put the coupler on the pipes, and all of my tbolt clamps have been tested (I have t bolts on every pipe. Some brand tbolt clamps deform if you tighten them to much and cant be used again so I tested all mine and got the ones that dont do that) even with all of this...Running 20+ Psi of boost will definately show you where your weak points are quickly! When the weak points showed on my car (one was the coupler on the turbo popping off, and another was the outlet pipe to u pipe) I wasnt in my neighborhood or anywhere close to home being that you need alot of open country road to test the car. Had I not been running blow through I probably wouldve been sitting waiting for a tow truck about 5 times now. Since then all my coupler blow off spots have been addressed. But had it not been for me running blow through I wouldve been using my time and money on a tow truck home. Also, sure I could cary tools in the car. But I dont know about you but im not touching a 10billion deg anything close to a turbo thats just been pushed to that high of a PSi without a cooldown time aka you sitting on the side of the road waiting. I have the burn scars from trying to fix stuff on my car without letting it cool down and they are not pretty and the constant pain is not easy while they are healing! Just saying...I like my car reliable no matter what.
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