I was wondering of anybody had one of these ??
I was wondering what the spool time was like ??? they say it is faster then the Gt35r , but I am wondering if it is as fast or faster then the GT3676r that I have ...with everthing I have bough I am still worried that the car wont make 500whp on race gas ..but I am sure this would do it ..but mayby I just need to get it in the car and see how it does once tunned
I was wondering what the spool time was like ??? they say it is faster then the Gt35r , but I am wondering if it is as fast or faster then the GT3676r that I have ...with everthing I have bough I am still worried that the car wont make 500whp on race gas ..but I am sure this would do it ..but mayby I just need to get it in the car and see how it does once tunned