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Thread: Turbo Flutter, good or bad ?

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2016-04-25 11:19:15
Turbo Flutter, good or bad ?
I got fed up with my engine stalling all the time with my blow-off. Today decided to remove the blow off and got turbo flutter instead.

Some ppl says its good, some say no. some say might damage the turbine, some say it just some back pressure gasses....

what's your take ?
2016-04-25 13:27:14
Straight out of wikipedia:

"In this situation, the surge can raise the pressure of the air to a level that can cause damage. This is because if the pressure rises high enough, a compressor stall occurs — stored pressurized air decompresses backward across the impeller and out the inlet. The reverse flow back across the turbocharger makes the turbine shaft reduce in speed more quickly than it would naturally, possibly damaging the turbocharger."


"The primary use of this valve is to maintain the spinning of the turbocharger at a high speed."

TLDR: Its bad.

Run the recirc, all the OEMs do it for a reason.
2016-05-01 19:25:12
have anyone tried this ?

I plan to insert a rubber stopper into my blow-off pipe, in the middle of the rubber stopper I'd drill a 5-10mm hole, so theorically Im letting out 30% of air out everytime I let go my throttle.

I have this idea of releasing the pressure thru my blow-off, but without letting too much pressure going out my TB, so I dont get engine stall all the time

any thoughts ?
2016-05-02 17:07:35
If you are having an issue with stalling, why not just run draw-through and recirculate?

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
2016-05-02 17:19:33
It all sounds like a bad idea. You need to leave the blow off installed. Just get a recirculate nipple fitting for your HKS and recirculate or switch over to blow through. You are blowing off metered air and your ECU doesn't like that.
2016-05-03 01:12:13
2016-05-03 09:06:26
so blow through release the air back into the intake before the turbine ?
2016-05-03 13:42:46
You can look at any of my car builds and see how the plumbing goes. With blow through you have your MAF close to the throttlebody and the blow off goes between the intercooler and maf. That way you blow off air before the MAF reads it and it doesn't matter where the excess air goes.

Or you can leave everything the way it was and put the nipple on your HKS and re-introduce the air between your maf and throttlebody. (Draw through system)
Last edited by Y2KG20 on 2016-05-03 at 13-46-09.
2016-05-03 15:00:33
Why is your BOV not recirculated?? That is about 98% of your problem..........


Just plumb back to after the MAF and before the turbo or TB. Easy 3/8" (or whatever) fitting and be done with it. Should take about 15 mins to tap (if aluminum) and run the fitting and line.
2016-05-08 12:39:40
i still have a problem, no boosting slowly driving, the idling is quick to stall too.... this is a headache

later im gonna check the spark plugs
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