i think that fixed my problem, i have yet to actually completely cut into the tps power to splice in the mp sensor power, HOWEVER i took off the clamp, and i cut back the wire some more, from the looks of it, the clamp was BARELY tapping into the tps wire for the map sensor, obivously it was tapping in some, but not a 100% power connection, hence the .9v with the clamp on it before and now i am seeing the correct voltage 1.64 with acc on and engine off.
i am still seeing a slight hesitation ALTHO i am running some fouled spark plugs in the engine now as the getting this problem fixed ouled yet another set of bkr7e's
BUT i was actualy able to drive the car and go into boost, well small ammount of boost but was able to go into boost (i just drive it around the parking lot to see how it felt so you really cant go full on into 17psi in a parking lot lol. but the car did;nt die, ;fall on its face, had the slight hesitation, but it seems pretty solid.
i think once i really tap into the wire all will be well, i also got a new aac valve so i will have to install it an see how the idle goes
i am stil getting the slight bog, nothing like before, but when i FIRST start the car, the engine revsup completely fine, no bogs or hesitation, then about 3 mins later i get the sligh bog not sure if thats becuase my tps is set to .43 or what, i will have to get a multimeter and see how that gos i would be able to adjust it better with a multimeter than rely on my laptop and look at the screen then adjust ect.
and to address the -20ing i have 1500rpm idle, and the asc valve onit now is shot, so adjusting the idleisnt possible, that is probly the eason for the higher inhg with a cammed motor