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Thread: N62 MAF dying / died? Any help appreciated.

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2014-07-06 23:07:08
N62 MAF dying / died? Any help appreciated.
Hey guys any help would be greatly appreciated on troubleshooting this weird issue. Im in the middle of packing for move so tools and testing is limited.
Cars been runnign perfect for the last year so I know its not wiring of the tune.

- N62 MAF ( Blow Thru )
- 370cc's / Stock FPR / Walbro 255

Car typically runs great, Went to start it last week and its falling on its face and super rich.
It appears to run the same with the maf unplugged as it does plugged in.

- Changed Plugs
- Cleaned MAF

No change, Got it to rev once or twice smooth and back to now not wanting to rev and reading super rich on the wide-band.
When data logging its throwing CODE 12 MAF..

This is what it displays on the Nissan Scan Tool app ( high idle is another issue ):

Its just wired I know things just can die but car was fine one day, Went to start a week later and dead....
Is this typical of a failed / failing N62? Do they die often?
Last edited by QUiKSR20 on 2014-07-06 at 23-09-10.
2014-07-06 23:10:27
new maf required??
2014-07-06 23:53:16
Originally Posted by pedro666
new maf required??
Huh? Are you asking me if I need a new MAF? Thats what I am trying to figure out.
2014-07-07 22:42:15
Originally Posted by QUiKSR20
Originally Posted by pedro666
new maf required??
Huh? Are you asking me if I need a new MAF? Thats what I am trying to figure out.

Anybody else care to comment? Gonna buy a new MAF asap but want to make sure.... Im assuming this should not look like this.
2014-07-07 23:54:27
The voltage shouldnt jump around like that.
You should probe the power to the maf to make sure its not jumpy also.
And checking the ground wouldnt hurt either.

Is the voltage at the battery stable?
2014-07-08 00:43:17
Originally Posted by unijabnx2000
The voltage shouldnt jump around like that.
You should probe the power to the maf to make sure its not jumpy also.
And checking the ground wouldnt hurt either.

Is the voltage at the battery stable?

Ill check MAF Voltage power with volt meter, Voltage reading on laptop is solid at 14.2.... Will check ground as well,
Still strange car was parked 3 weeks ago running perfect besides a small idle gremlin.
2014-07-08 04:24:49
Check to make sure none of the wires (especially grounds) came loose and that the wires entering the pigtail are snug
2014-07-17 04:00:22
Originally Posted by Storm88000
Check to make sure none of the wires (especially grounds) came loose and that the wires entering the pigtail are snug

Grounds look fine, Like I said... Parked one day don't wanna run the next, Schoenholz is gonna loan me a MAF to test.... The only thing I can think of is this thing took a crap.. Just strange that I parked working fine and a few weeks later it wont run.
I wanna drive this bad boy just haven't had the time to really troubleshoot while moving. And its alot more of a PITA with a billet ( non standard ) maf setup.

Earlier fried a wire and this maybe causing havoc again :

[img] http://www.darylgregg.net/SERBUILD/maf1f.jpg[/img]

Ill be dissecting the MAF shortly... ( ignore my amateur welds im learning )....
Last edited by QUiKSR20 on 2014-07-17 at 04-01-36.
2014-07-17 04:14:15
I see a lead, but no pad or solder. what gives? also what is this witchcraft with the +++ above that hitachi IC?

post up a real pic of the inside, I bet you find white corrosion from condensation.
Last edited by zeneffect on 2014-07-17 at 04-28-58.
2014-07-20 13:42:01
Why not go map?
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