If you know what your gear mph's are you can keep the boost set at the same level that it would be throughout that gear spin or not. Say you hit 3rd at 60mph and it takes you to 90mph at redline. If I have the boost set for 10psi starting at 60mph through 90mph, I hit 3rd and it spins boost is gonna stay at 10psi regardless if I spin or not because the wheel speed still wont register over 90mph if im pounding on the limiter or whether I have traction. That's how I set up my boost by speed. The absolute only way that will cause an issue is if I spin, shift early to 4th and my actual mph goes down to say 75, so boost instead of being ramped up to 12psi at above 90mph it will be at 10psi until I get above that. That would be the only downside to boost by speed.