Question for you hardcore turbo guys out there because I'm considering possibly driving my P10 out to Staggered in northern CT this weekend, I had the P10 sitting for about a week or so with the battery disconnected so it doesn't drain, and fired it up yesterday for a quick rip around the block, went to get some parts for the wife's car and came back home, well regardless while I was cruising (probably 3rd or 4th gear around 40-45mph probably between 2-3k rpms) at a few points I noticed the AFRs were dipping into the 10s and probably below that but the AEM UEGO doesn't read that low... Anyway I rev the car, it clears up and the AFRs come back up to the normal 13-15 while cruising, seems to build and hold boost with no issues in that department doesn't break up or anything of the sort under boostand the AFRs are perfect 10-12 in Boost, but since I don't always drive the car in boost the dipping AFRs while little miss daisy-ing the car was what concerned me....
Stock Lowport SR20DE with a bolted on GTi-R T28 set-up running STI injectors and a AEM 320lph pump dyno tuned on Nistune
Stock Lowport SR20DE with a bolted on GTi-R T28 set-up running STI injectors and a AEM 320lph pump dyno tuned on Nistune