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noOk so if we want to run E85 do we have to change Fuel lines ? i really want to run E85 but my only concern will be Lines and filter .. and about gas tank will it rust ? .. I have read that people have just done it and have never had a problem even after a full year of ussing E85.. Also E85 + Methanol will it be and overkill ? cause i read about the corvette guys are doing it for some reason. It sounds like a good idea has any body done that ?
From what I've read, the biggest problem may be crap in your fuel tank getting 'cleaned' out and that clogging up your fuel filter. So a fuel filter change a month after you start using E85 may be a good idea. Besides that, people don't seem to have issues w/stock fuel lines. Also, depending on your fuel system, you may need an upgrade because E85 requires about 30% more 'flow' than regular gas.