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A) It sounds very much like a MAF. How did you go about checking it? Did you do it per FSM by checking voltage?? Typically several signs present themselves when the MAF has somehow been removed from the Loop
1) Not able to rev above 3,000 rpms
2) Inability to idle (immediate lean condition)
3) Immediate (off the charts) lean condition both when you get off the throttle and during idle (which, since as far as the ecu is concerned, no MAF signal = no air = no fuel compensation)
My AFRs went super RICH when my MAF went bad Monday, 5 days ago. Minus the piss rich choppy acceleration from idle to 3k RPM, idle was at 10.5-11 from a previous perfect 14.7. After diagnosing all week ending up just probably 30 min ago installing my buddy's MAF off his z32...it's now been 100% confirmed my MAF is bad. So again, mine went SUPER rich with a bad MAF.
If you'd like I'll pop mine back on and make a video.
@Zeek234, you still never answered my now deleted question, what fuel filter are you running? Your wideband in the video looked off the charts lean the whole time, is that correct? And if I reread correctly, you're running an atmospheric BOV on a "stock-like" draw thru setup? As its already been said, that will cause issues. Your car won't run right, regardless, till you recirc that BOV or move your MAF to after turbo. Ask me how I know, lol! I quickly installed a bung and recirc'd mine. Don't worry, you and everyone else will still hear it!
Also, per the thread I have going and an ol Skool forum members experience, he said his motor never ran properly with one of the two MAF ground wires wired to the chassis. Soon as he twisted the two MAF grounds together and wired em into the harness his problem was solved.....just passin the info if uours is wired like that. Something to try.
Sorry to say though it's fairly useless to try and diagnose an issue when everything isn't hooked up legit. Recirc that BOV should be your goal for the weekend. In another thread, another old timer use JB weld to secure a bung on his IC piping, said its been holding for years.