If you want to check your headgasket pull all your plugs out and test compression one at a time with the radiator cap off. If it's blown between coolant ports and cylinder it will push coolant. Check the obvious as well. Like the back of the oil fill cap and your reservoir for milkshake. It is possible to burn coolant though without it getting in the oil...seen it several times. Test it cold and at normal operating temp to rule out temperature sealing issues.
I would verify my timing next before anything else. Especially since your cas is all the way one direction. What color were your plugs? Black? White? Brown? Pics would help. Your gap should be just fine where it's at.
I would verify my timing next before anything else. Especially since your cas is all the way one direction. What color were your plugs? Black? White? Brown? Pics would help. Your gap should be just fine where it's at.