Originally Posted by
To me it seems like the transmission is Twistin towards the back So maybe the bracket in the back The height Of the bracket Maybe off a little bit Causing the transmission to sit leaning backwards Causing the side mount to pullout or It can also be The engine mount is Collapsing Causing the motor and Transmission to lean towards the back I'm 100% the Issue Is somewhere in the back Of the engine
I would tend to agree with this...after looking at it briefly today, I noticed the dump tubes for the wastegates are much closer to the rad.support underneath. One is almost touching and had an easy 1/4" before the Al/delrin washers. This would indicate exactly what you're saying...the back is sagging down.
Those UNISA JECS aluminum/delrin spacers are a little thicker than stock which spaces the crossmember a bit lower...adding to the sag. But is there room to allow the tranny to be mounted higher at that back mount bracket?
Where would you place the level unijab?