RMYC: My Daily Turbo - WK0
1993.5 G20 m/t WK0 Aspen White Pearl Glo
Back in 2006 i purchased g20 #6( or 7) to build as my project car my dream p10. I bought it in washington some 3 hours from my place, super clean not a single door dent 110kmiles. i got it from some hillbilly who installed a new dizzy in it. as my friend drove it home after 100miles it started to knock bad, i guess the old owner didnt set the timing after installing the dizzy and detonation i guess... or rod knock.. regardless motor was toast. Ive been keeping the car a secret for many years and was gonna build it and supprise yall but lots of thing came up, i went to prison , some big issues and more..
I finally decided to start a build thread to motivate me on working on it ( since i got out of prison, nothing has been the same, ive become very dull and lost interest in many of my hobbies)
Original build thread RMYC: P10 #6 Project Build (93.5 WK0))
W10 motor
Fly wheel blew up so i got a VE
[img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs125.ash2/39586_104416172959029_100001719399671_29611_263990 2_n.jpg[/img]
Swapped the w10 turbo setup , stock boost
Worst: 15.57 MPG under VVL/Open Downpipe (heavy driving)
Best: 33.69 MPG Highway
07/09 26.54 MPG 50/50
07/10 28.58 MPG Driving mountain pass to the coast, 120miles round trip
07/13 31.68 MPG Highway
Drive sys
Calum R/T ecu
SR20VE Block
Dual RPM activation units
W10 Manifold + Turbo
DET injectors @ 4bar
Nismo FPR
255lph pump
SS braided oil lines
2 1/4" IC piping
JGY 3" downpipe
3" Electronic Exhaust catout
Stock exhaust
HD Pressure Plate
Exedy Organic Disk
G20t LSD tranny
Hope yall enjoy
Back in 2006 i purchased g20 #6( or 7) to build as my project car my dream p10. I bought it in washington some 3 hours from my place, super clean not a single door dent 110kmiles. i got it from some hillbilly who installed a new dizzy in it. as my friend drove it home after 100miles it started to knock bad, i guess the old owner didnt set the timing after installing the dizzy and detonation i guess... or rod knock.. regardless motor was toast. Ive been keeping the car a secret for many years and was gonna build it and supprise yall but lots of thing came up, i went to prison , some big issues and more..
I finally decided to start a build thread to motivate me on working on it ( since i got out of prison, nothing has been the same, ive become very dull and lost interest in many of my hobbies)
Original build thread RMYC: P10 #6 Project Build (93.5 WK0))
W10 motor
Fly wheel blew up so i got a VE
[img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs125.ash2/39586_104416172959029_100001719399671_29611_263990 2_n.jpg[/img]
Swapped the w10 turbo setup , stock boost
Worst: 15.57 MPG under VVL/Open Downpipe (heavy driving)
Best: 33.69 MPG Highway
07/09 26.54 MPG 50/50
07/10 28.58 MPG Driving mountain pass to the coast, 120miles round trip
07/13 31.68 MPG Highway
Drive sys
Calum R/T ecu
SR20VE Block
Dual RPM activation units
W10 Manifold + Turbo
DET injectors @ 4bar
Nismo FPR
255lph pump
SS braided oil lines
2 1/4" IC piping
JGY 3" downpipe
3" Electronic Exhaust catout
Stock exhaust
HD Pressure Plate
Exedy Organic Disk
G20t LSD tranny
Hope yall enjoy
Last edited by rmyc
on 2012-09-19
at 09-53-46.