So here is a shot video of my car which i believe is creating compressor surge and the bov is doing nothing. I tried turning the little screw to softer but it didnt change the situation (tho i only turned it about a full turn or so becuz i didnt really have time to mess with it, had to be at work soon). I'm new to turbo and shit, but does this sound like compressor surge?
The stupid uploading site kinda stretched the picture out, but the sound is the more important thing here. First i put it near the filter to hear the surge then i put it by the BOV and like you barely hear anything if at all....
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The stupid uploading site kinda stretched the picture out, but the sound is the more important thing here. First i put it near the filter to hear the surge then i put it by the BOV and like you barely hear anything if at all....

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Last edited by speedricer
on 2012-07-10
at 16-31-22.