The driver side was the easy one. If you have an oem b13 axle you can swap the whole intermediate w/ outer joint onto the spec V inner just by swapping the 3 roller joint. One C-clip and it slides right off and new one goes right on and fits perfectly.
You may have tried to use a non oem if it didnt work. Both me, coheed, and another guy all had no issues putting together a driver side. The passenger one is the tricky one to find the right axle that has the same size outer joint splines and not the larger that all the other spec V axles have. Again I believe they came from a 5 speed 02 Se-R non spec V since coheed tried pretty much every year, oem and non oem and all were the same larger splined outer joints.
You may have tried to use a non oem if it didnt work. Both me, coheed, and another guy all had no issues putting together a driver side. The passenger one is the tricky one to find the right axle that has the same size outer joint splines and not the larger that all the other spec V axles have. Again I believe they came from a 5 speed 02 Se-R non spec V since coheed tried pretty much every year, oem and non oem and all were the same larger splined outer joints.