gomba I'm pretty sure all stock throttle bodies have vacuum sources on them, or at least one, that is before the throttle plate. Look for that one and use that. Or you could "T" into the other tiny stock line that goes to the intake boot. These both exist on my lowport, and no reason I see why they wouldn't on highports and others.
Vadim, I edited that post to include a link to the thread where I posted more info. Also... People talk about pressure drops across their charge pipe system and I never understood why a big pressure drop was a bad thing. IMO if you have an intercooler that's doing it's job, you're going to have a huge pressure drop. If you test in controlled conditions with a supply of ambient temp air and the IC at ambient temp and everything at ambient temp then if you get a pressure drop I can understand that being bad. But if the IC is cooling worth a damn, you should have a really big pressure drop, and you want that.
Vadim, I edited that post to include a link to the thread where I posted more info. Also... People talk about pressure drops across their charge pipe system and I never understood why a big pressure drop was a bad thing. IMO if you have an intercooler that's doing it's job, you're going to have a huge pressure drop. If you test in controlled conditions with a supply of ambient temp air and the IC at ambient temp and everything at ambient temp then if you get a pressure drop I can understand that being bad. But if the IC is cooling worth a damn, you should have a really big pressure drop, and you want that.