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Thread: turbo woes...

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2012-04-21 05:04:17
Yeah, I was thinking that it running rich from the lower fuel pressure was a little off and that it should run a tad lean. All the fuel has to be from either a vacuum leak or maf problem. Maybe tps. I'll recheck everything when I finally get the intake manifold back on.
2012-04-25 21:40:36
Got the manifold back on and replace a few lines. It's idles fine and pulls vacuum, however it still wants to fall on its face... It'll be idling right where it should be and have 19 lbs vacuum am just die out of nowhere. I don't get it...
2012-04-25 22:17:48
Have you installed an AFPR yet?

2012-04-26 06:33:47
No. I can't justify spending almost $200 on one right now. This isn't even my daily driver.
2012-04-26 13:22:56
Originally Posted by LukaMcCloud
No. I can't justify spending almost $200 on one right now. This isn't even my daily driver.

Go to eBay, and for 150-170 you can get a UEGO or LM-X. This is the best money you will spend on your turbo car. Otherwise consider the cost of a new block/rebuild after you blow it up if you go lean.

Case and point, had a decent tune with 11.5 AFR's on a warm day, next day had to do a 300 mile trip, was 20-30*F cooler outside too. Was passing some cars in 5th gear on the interstate, as soon as full boost hit it was 13-14 AFR's.

The only way to avoid this is to get your car tuned at a very good tuner that will account for that, but any tunes that you get off the forum, or even Calum, are going to be "base" tunes for your setup that will always need fine tuning. Since those tunes were build with different setups, there is no way to account for how your engine will react with them.
2012-04-26 14:06:15
Originally Posted by LukaMcCloud
Well, it varies. Sometimes it won't idle for shit when it's cold. Sometimes it will idle fine. Sometimes it idles fine when it's warm. Sometimes it won't.

You bring up a good point, however, I'm more likely to believe its a leak somewhere. I'll have the intake manifold back on with new gaskets tomorrow. I'll get it started and see how it runs. If the issue persists, then I'm gonna need a new chipset with a better tune.

I also have a quick question for you guys;

When Calum did my ecu and the base tune, he tunes it for 4 bar fuel pressure. I do not have an adjustable fpr on the car and am still running stock fuel pressure. I don't believe it would affect anything, but am unsure. What issues would this cause?

Don't go WOT with the car setup like this. It will go lean, you are running a tune that is expecting more fuel than what it is getting.

If you are broke, you can slightly crush the fpr to achieve the target fp, I currently have my fpr crushed, had like this for over 4 years and I've used it on and off over the years. I use it along with my trusty fp gauge, no issues at all.

BTW if you are not tuned or going to a dyno get a wideband.
2012-05-03 04:37:11
I know I need an afpr and a wideband. I'd love to buy them but can't spare the change. That's why it's sitting right now and I rarely drive it. I'm at the point that I'm about to sell it though I don't want to. I'm about to just quick fix the body and get it one color and off the thing lol.
2012-05-03 05:19:07
U gotta pay to play
2012-05-03 12:56:46
Why not just flash a 3bar program?

2012-05-03 13:23:58
Originally Posted by LukaMcCloud
Yeah, I was thinking that it running rich from the lower fuel pressure was a little off and that it should run a tad lean. All the fuel has to be from either a vacuum leak or maf problem. Maybe tps. I'll recheck everything when I finally get the intake manifold back on.

A TAD lean??? Look, I understand that you're broke, I know the feeling, my b14 hasn't moved in months, but if you can't afford to do it properly, don't go destroying your motor. 370/420 = 88%, that means you are only getting 88% of the fuel that your tune is for. Running 12% leaner is pretty serious, 0.12*12 = a 14.4/1 A/F ratio if your ecu was tuned perfectly for 12/1.

What is your plug gap at? What kind of plug wires are you using? You can't just expect the car to run when nothing is set up properly.

Where is the MAF located? vac lines? Boosting an NA is not exactly a plug and play sort of thing. Just hold off until you can save up for a wideband and FPR.
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