yeah 800-900 celcius is not good and you will melt crap quickly. A properly tuned gasoline turbocharged engine not overboosting the turbo should run about 800-900 deg Farenheit. lol. You probably put a nice size hole in the side of the piston.
this sounds kinda unrealistic to me.. the worst thing is that when raising timing, the egt gauge shows lower numbers and when retarding timing, egt readings goe high. Anyway 900deg farenheit(=480deg celsius) is number what i was seeing on my engines when slowly cruising or idling
And yes a 250whp even t25 turbocharged SR can run for a long time straight without issues. At least mine did when I was at that hp level. 9.5:1 motor, JWT s4 cams, s13 t25, ss tubular manifold, 3" turbo outlet pipe dumping open, 10psi of boost. I could run it all day long with no issues, ran it up a 25 mile pass going from below sealevel to 7000 ft above sea level always in boost doing about 100-110 going up this mountain pass. Never saw out of boost, didnt melt any plugs, pistons, or overheat it at all the entire trip to Temecula California.
this sounds good
Didnt start having problems melting crap until I turned the boost up to 17psi and overboosted the turbo creating nothing but heat and high backpressure situations. On gasoline, not good. On E-85, probably wouldnt have had that problem as e-85 cools the air charge and because of the extra amount of fuel needed also helps keep egt's way down.
yea yea i was planing to try e85 on low boost as soon as gasoline tune will be finished