Its been a few years since ive touched my NX and since im parting ways with the super expensive mistake bastard child subaru of mine soon I think im going to get back into my true calling..
im just a bit curious as to whats changed in the past couple years?
Anyone figure out any type of new parts?
Whats the tuning aparatus of choice?
How about the B15/P11 transmission?
purely opinions or whatever volunteered information would be sweet let me know whatcha got!
Its been a few years since ive touched my NX and since im parting ways with the super expensive mistake bastard child subaru of mine soon I think im going to get back into my true calling..
im just a bit curious as to whats changed in the past couple years?
Anyone figure out any type of new parts?
Whats the tuning aparatus of choice?
How about the B15/P11 transmission?
purely opinions or whatever volunteered information would be sweet let me know whatcha got!