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Thread: Just swaped it in

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2008-04-08 14:38:22
Just swaped it in
Motors is in started right up. I still need to set the timing and set the tps. When i try to rev the car just a little bit it feels like the motor does not want to rev up. Does not look like its in safe mode with the maf because its not a up down idle just slowly rising. This this a common thing with the tps being off? i belive the motor is fine i dont think anything is wrong with it i just dont know what else to look into, maybe someone can lead me to some other things.
2008-04-08 15:06:49
Yeah, TPS threw my car for a loop! Felt like it was in safe mode, until it was set. Wouldn't even rev past 2500rpms.

Check it, make sure it's (I think) between .045-.065V? Search that exact voltage, but I think that's it.

Of course timing too...
2008-04-08 15:43:38
its .44v closed to .46v closed and at least 4.0v WOT
2008-04-08 16:17:42
thanks guys at school now but im getting off in a hour and going to work on the car
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