I Was Searching Around For A T25 Compressor Wheel & Bumped Into This Site . Has Rebuild Kits For All Types Of Turbo Brands . Thought This Would Be Helpful For Others Wanting To Rebuild Their Turbos .
You can't just slap a compressor wheel on the shaft and call it good. You will need to have it balanced by a shop that has a turbo shaft balancing machine.
You can rebuild the turbo (with my how-to it's super easy) without balancing, as long as you don't do replace the compressor wheel.
Originally Posted by Cliff You can't just slap a compressor wheel on the shaft and call it good. You will need to have it balanced by a shop that has a turbo shaft balancing machine.
You can rebuild the turbo (with my how-to it's super easy) without balancing, as long as you don't do replace the compressor wheel.
i understand that . i would assume the shop would have it ready & balanced if i bought it .
Originally Posted by Keo ^^ Correct, balance job is like $65-75 i think. it's been awhile.
edit: they can also upgrade you T25 with T28 internals, there's a thread somewhere here about that.
i was thinking bout it . but i think im just going to stay stock rebuild for now .
I bought a rebuild kit for my EVO VIII turbo from Gpop a couple of months ago. They have great customer service and quick turnaround. Here's a few pics from the rebuild. This junk yard turbo was in pretty good condition, and I used their kit to freshen it up a bit.